October 3rd, 2006

London orchestra (about
thirty instruments) putting music sound track on our BBC documentary, Bear
Man of Kamchatka.

Monitor in studio showing
what will be on screen at the time each bar is played.

David and Sue Mitcham.
David is composer and conductor....Sue the technical director of studio
sessions and musician.
 Mark Johns, guitarist.
Guitar is the lead instrument for the music score.
(Click on any Image to see a higher resolution version)
October 5th, 2006
I know it has been a long silence since I last wrote an entry
to this web site and my only excuse is that for a very long
time I never knew what I would be doing. For the first time
in 12 years, I could not raise the funding for carrying on
my work in Russia, but I guess it is not surprising that I
could not go on for ever doing this. As some of you know, a
movie was in the works and I thought that this would cover
the $60,000's of expenses that it cost to run a program per
year, because my presence there is critical for keeping things
going and protecting the area around my cabin from poaching.
The movie people kept promising that I would get this money
so that I could go, but the date that a cheque would arrive
kept being set back and is still being set back, so my life
has been in limbo since last March.
I am writing this from Bristol England where I am working on
a few last details for the BBC documentary that was made in
2005 about my work there in Kamchatka. It is being co produced
by CBC, The Nature of Things in Canada and by Animal Planet
in the US. It is airing in England, on BBC 2, The Natural World
on November 8th, but dates are not yet set for North American
television, but it will be shown sometime in early winter.
I am blown away by how wonderfully sensitively Jeff and Sue
Turner of Princeton BC have put this film together. The title
of it, in England at least, is Bear Man Of Kamchatka.
I have never referred to myself as a "Bear Man",
and sort of hate it, but that is how it goes in the marketing
In September, before coming to England, I have been doing a
hazard assessment for the communities of Sunshine Village and
Yale, both near Hope BC. This is for the Bear Smart program
set up by the government which is trying hard to make communities
safe for both bears and people in the province of British Columbia.
Working on this is a wonderful opportunity for me to finally
understand about the human side of the bear/people equation.
I have devoted much of the last 45 years to understanding bears;
figuring out what they are capable of with regarding getting
along with us. The answer is that they have no problem at all
as long as we follow a few simple rules. I found that if we
manage food and waist so bear can't get into it and treat the
bears with respect , they are wonderfully easy animals to get
along with. Teaching respect does not mean being violent with
them in any way.
Now I get to see if people are sophisticated enough to drop
their fear and do their part.Garbage has to be kept away from
bears so they are not drawn into towns and cities where they
are not tolerated. People are having to learn about putting
their garbage out in the morning, just before collection time.
Each fall hundreds of bears are killed in BC when people are
careless about this. Even though virtually no one gets hurt
by them when they do come into town, there is no tolerance
for urban bears.
As posted, I am doing a presentation in Canmore Alberta as
soon as I get back to Canada (click here for more
info). This
will be about my experiences in Kamchatka and what I have learned
over the past
45 years.
Bye For Now,